Okeyo Mwai is a scientist and project leader on livestock breeding strategies for low input production systems at ILRI (International Livestock research Institute). He is also a senior lecturer in Animal Breeding and Genetics, at the Department of Animal Production of the University of Nairobi, Kenya where he has been involved in teaching animal breeding courses at undergraduate and graduate levels and currently supervises MSc and PhD students’ research. Okeyo is a founder member of the All Africa Society for Animal Production (AASAP), and was the host convener of its inaugural All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture in 1992. He has been a chairman of the Animal Production Society of Kenya and Kenya Goat Development Network. He is a sheep and goat management and breeding expert and has technically backstopped breeding programs for these two species in Kenya and Eastern Africa as a consultant and researcher.
From 2001 to 2006, Okeyo coordinated and provided the leadership for the ILRI-SLU Project on Capacity Building for Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resources in Developing Countries. He oversaw the development and production of the 1st version of this Training Resource and has facilitated capacity building courses and workshops for university teachers and researchers in developing countries, as part of the project’s activities.